DISCLAIMER: I did not make this rom and I do not support racism.
Super KKK Bros?
Super KKK Bros is a Super Mario Bros. rom hack and instead of fighting Goombas and Bowser you fight black people because you're in the KKK. But for some reason there are also a lot of nazi references despite the name being Super KKK Bros.
Well how does it look you may ask yourself? Let me show you.
No title? Huh?
As you can see, you select with the swatstika with how many "nigger h8r" you want to play and just press start. You may have noticed that Mario is bald. I don't know why.
The first enemy you come across is of course a Goomba and as I wrote before it is replaced with a black person.
The maker of this mod is not so good in making pixel art as you can see.
After the goomba comes the mushroom. This of course is also changed, now it is a white hood. If mario touches this he puts it on and becomes a full fleged member of the KKK.
When you finish the game there is another surprise, the text has been changed to, yeah, you guessed it... something racist.
I do not like this rom hack very much, the art is bad and it totally destroys the innocence of a game like SMB (and not in a good/funny way). But it's a weird hack and the name caught my attention so I decided to give it a try.
For more information about this hack check out i-mockery.com and if you want to play it yourself the rom can be downloaded from that page too.
There is also a KKK hack of SMB2 that I might write about later.
Thanks for reading.